Calculator Plus
Why to use standard Windows calculator, if there is a free scientific alternative with graphic support. Best choise for programmers and developers.

Current features:
- Skins - the look and size can be
changed with skins Want more skins?
- Functions - supports many
functions including sinh, cosh, arcsinh, arccosh, secans, cosecans,
factorial and more ...
- Presets - save actual work to presets for
later use
- Input - input is done as on
paper, write the formula to edit box and press enter
- Format - input numbers and result
can be shown in hexadecimal, octal, binary or decimal format,
engineering symbols
- Precedence - unlimited number of
nested functions and precedences
- Variables - variable with any
name should be used, up to 255 variables
- Graphs - draw graph of functions
- Skins - skins with ability to add
variables and presets to make "special purpose" calculator (for example
bitrate calculator included in installation)
