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Posted by Mike on Sun 03.Oct.2004, 23:00 (0 reads) Topic: Software
| Well, here is some update to
Vegas filters. DNR and Smart Smoother filters remove bugs that caused
crashes when using more than once in one project. Also introducing new
filter Smart Deinterlace, but it is not stable release - still in
development, but you can try it, it works. Download and more
information here.
| (Read More... | Score: 0) |
Posted by Mike on Sun 19.Sep.2004, 23:00 (0 reads) Topic: Software
| After exactly two months, new
version of APL2000 released. It has another revolutionally
changes - it builds directshow graph manually including file readers,
splitters, decoders, renderers and additional filters (compatible with
ATV2000). Read more:
- directshow graph is completely build manually with direct connect, so
you have total check on used filters
- video and audio decoders are specified with external files
- can set priority of used video and audio decoders
- added possibility to include additional video and audio filters,
compatible with ATV2000, install into Filters directory
- added Filters dialog box, same as in ATV2000
- elements in open files dialog can be resized independent
- media properties dialog box shows aspect ratio
- video bitrate statistics is disabled for WMV9 (it didn't work)
- fixed opening files with drag&drop
- fixed opening files when lunching another instance of player
- fixed a lot of other bugs (i don't remember exactly as i'm writing
this history later), but may be some new bugs introduced for too
many changes in source code (write me, fixes will be ASAP)
Download it here.
| (Read More... | Score: 0) |
Posted by Mike on Sun 29.Aug.2004, 23:00 (0 reads) Topic: Software
| After long time waiting, Dynamic
Noise Reduction filter for Sony Vegas is released. Get it here.
| (Read More... | Score: 0) |
Posted by Mike on Thu 22.Jul.2004, 23:00 (0 reads) Topic: Software
| ATV2000 released, this is bug fix release:
- added teletext support for CX23414/5 based cards (Hauppauge WinTV PVR)
- some changes to raw VBI decoding for SAA713x based cards, this should
improve quality, but not tested
- fixed setting of recording controls for nvidia nforce audio driver
- fixed displaying of TV tuner and TV audio property pages for
Hauppauge WinTV PVR250/350
- fixed capturing to segmented files
- fixed total capture log was not written when capture stops for no
disc space available
Download it here.
| (Read More... | Score: 0) |
Posted by Mike on Mon 19.Jul.2004, 23:00 (0 reads) Topic: Software
| APL2000 released, it
supports plauback to external DV device! what's new:
- playback to external DV device as video/audio renderer
- media properties dialog box shows aspect ratio
- video bitrate statistics is disabled for WMV9 (it didn't work)
- fixed opening files with drag&drop
- fixed opening files when lunching another instance of player
Download it here.
| (Read More... | Score: 0) |
Posted by Mike on Tue 08.Jun.2004, 23:00 (0 reads) Topic: Software
| ATV2000 is bug fix release:
- can specify video capture pin
- changing video capture or preview pin will update video encoding list
in combos
- fixed no preview when changing capture device to device with audio pin
- fixed VBI capture setup
- fixed showing of video compresors in audio compressors combo box
- reworked list of compressors to objects
Download it here.
| (Read More... | Score: 0) |
Posted by Mike on Thu 03.Jun.2004, 23:00 (0 reads) Topic: Software
| Another big release. ATV2000 released. what's
- video containers (file format) are now specified in external file for
better compatibility with new formats and with support for hardware
encoders, also each container has different compressors
- support for combined video/audio compressors with two inputs and one
- removed switch "Use capture pin for preview"
- new option to select video capture pin for preview
- new option to select audio capture pin
- new option to insert video converter for preview, this is needed for
some cards that do not use standard encoding formats like YUY2
- support for IYUV format in Video Converter
- after wrong card initialization application will exit properly
- parameters of DirectShow video compressors are saved like on VCM
- graph paused when showing video compressor configuration dialog, some
compressors crash if not
- configuration can be exported to registry file for backup
- fixed loading of configuration in BT8x8 plugin
- there are many changes in source code, so please excuse some bugs, if
you find some, send me mail with log file, i'll try to fix them
In other words - support for
more capture devices and more video containers like MPEG.
Download it here and also check for
more containers. Please be sure
that the number of supported devices and encoders will grow.
| (Read More... | Score: 0) |
Posted by Mike on Thu 06.May.2004, 23:00 (0 reads) Topic: Software
| ATV2000 released. what's
- fixed volume slider in panel controlled only the last mixer device
- teletext lookup in pages and subpages with Ctrl +/-
- fast text support in teletext - Ctrl+F5-F8
- fixed bad file extension when capturing with sheduler
Download it here.
| (Read More... | Score: 0) |
Posted by Mike on Tue 04.May.2004, 23:00 (0 reads) Topic: Software
| Genesis deinterlace filter added
for download for ATV2000. Usable (and required for good playback with
audio preview enabled) only for ProLink PixelView PlayTV@P7000 card
with installed Black Gold TV application. Get it here.
| (Read More... | Score: 0) |
Posted by Mike on Sun 25.Apr.2004, 23:00 (0 reads) Topic: Software
| New version ATV2000
released. Some improvemnets to connecting DirectShow filters:
- selecting "Use capture pin for preview" shows capture formats instead
of preview formats for selection
- if the preview pin is not found, capture pin is used as default
- Video converter filter and Deinterlace filter supports VideoInfo2
format - setting preview or capture format prefers VideoInfo format for
VideoInfo2, some compressors and/or filters reject connection when
using VideoInfo2, which is prefered format by some capture devices
Download it here.
| (Read More... | Score: 0) |
Posted by Mike on Tue 13.Apr.2004, 23:00 (0 reads) Topic: Software
| New version ATV2000
released. This is a bugfix release:
- fixed bad format of date when capturing teletext subtitles to
external file after 4 minutes
- fixed time synchronization from teletext (again)
- fixed filters deinitialization on exit in WDM
- fixed memory leaks on exit
- fixed switching of WDM devices and code clean up
- fixed memory access error when destroing compressor state
- fixed capture of audio with no compression introduced in
- some code clean up
- changed installer to modern interface
Download it here.
| (Read More... | Score: 0) |
Posted by Mike on Wed 07.Apr.2004, 23:00 (0 reads) Topic: Software
| Advanced player APL2000 version relesed. Check the features and download here.
| (Read More... | Score: 0) |
Posted by Mike on Tue 30.Mar.2004, 23:00 (0 reads) Topic: Software
| New version ATV2000
released. what's new:
- all settings are stored to registry instead of atv.ini file
- TV and capture properties are stored separatly with different devices
in WDM
- fixed capture with DV devices - graph clock was not set properly
- added channel tuning for cards that doesn't support frequency tuning
(for example PixelView PlayTV USB 2.0 Pro)
- support for VXIS devices (for example PixelView PlayTV USB 2.0 Pro)
- support for audio preview in capture mode
- fixed overlapping of windows in always on top mode
- fixed setting of sample size in video capture format
- some code improvements, cleanups and error checking added
- removed video player from package - it is now separate application
Download it here.
| (Read More... | Score: 0) |
Posted by Mike on Sun 28.Mar.2004, 23:00 (0 reads) Topic: Software
| Calculator Plus 1.25 released.
Some bugfixes.
Download it here.
| (Read More... | Score: 0) |
Posted by Mike on Tue 24.Feb.2004, 23:00 (0 reads) Topic: Software
| Calculator Plus 1.24 released.
Added support for engineering symbols.
Download it here.
| (Read More... | Score: 0) |
Posted by Mike on Sun 15.Feb.2004, 23:00 (0 reads) Topic: Software
| ATV2000 released:
- redesigned Capture properties - file, video and audio properties are
on separate sheets
- fixed bad overlap when switching channels from last to first channel
- improved log mode, only one file atv.log will be written with
information from all modules
- removed capture of VBI to Ogm because of mux problems
- add teletext subtitles capture to .SRT also for AVI and Ogm
Download it here.
| (Read More... | Score: 0) |
Posted by Mike on Sun 15.Feb.2004, 23:00 (0 reads) Topic: Software
| New version of Vegas Smart
Smoother filter 1.21, implemented interpolation of properties for
key frames.
Get it here.
| (Read More... | Score: 0) |
Posted by Mike on Mon 02.Feb.2004, 23:00 (0 reads) Topic: Software
| Again some revolutionary
features added to ATV2000 version
- teletext filter can output to previous RGB32, RGB24, RGB565 and
RGB555 types also decoded text stream, text subtitles and raw VBI data
coded as typical video stream with fourcc set to VBIV to enable storing
in video containers
- added VBI data capture - raw VBI, text subtitles decoded from
teletext or decoded frames of selected or all pages/subpages
- statistics filter can save text samples to log file
- switching of teletext on disabled in capture mode (previously it
- fixed crash of application caused by teletext decoder on stopping
graph in some cases
Download it here.
| (Read More... | Score: 0) |
Posted by Mike on Wed 21.Jan.2004, 23:00 (0 reads) Topic: Software
| Calculator Plus 1.23 released.
Added Help and some minor improvements and bug fixes.
Download it here.
| (Read More... | Score: 0) |
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